Anni Mamundi

By An1ma

Another pollen lover...

...Or two?
(Apologies to the hay fever sufferers amongst us).

A back blip owing to immense busyness in the World of Other.

I was talking to a friend about how therapeutic it seems to be,
to cultivate an 'inner smile'.
She excitedly concurred, saying how it had come to her attention just recently that a 'smile to one's own heart' was tantamount to healing.
And then this morning, an article I read in a journal said exactly the same thing.
Well, it actually said, 'smile to your inner organs, as you would to a baby in a pram..
(As if one was one sandwich short of a picnic, then??).
..Buuuut, three confirmations in two days, that an inner smile helps.

Just sharing.

And smiling :-)

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