two's company!
Another strange day, in between bouts of work I decided that there was too much clutter beginning to close me in so I decided to tidy(yet again) this dam useless cupboard in our kitchen that always no matter how hard I try always gets snowed in with stuff. After some rumaging about I managed to locate the last three hoover bags (I have been emptying the same one for months now!) must go and actually buy some more but as I am no domestic Godess I keep forgetting!
Weather a bit wild and windy so that usually makes me homesick, I only miss the island when there is a gale, don't quite know why that is. Anyhows managed to hoover, dust and de clutter for once, felt quite good, had a shower then along with youngest fledgeling went to a local hotel for dinner with two friends who are doing a series of music sessions round the local schools. The dinner was mediocre but the company was grand and what a hoot, it was so good to see them.
We saw 6 blokes engorssed in a game called Risk, does anyone know anything about it? they seemd to be right into it
Back home, small dog being annoying squeaking at the rabbit and the rabbit being annoying chewing on the bars of his cage. Ah the joys of pets!
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