
By rnhunt

West Runton

Cool day. The forecast 15 mph NE never materialised so after an initial check of Mundesley early doors it was off to the more into wind West Runton. I hadn't flown either in years!

It was as good for hang gliding as it looks, so I went for a bit of a beach excursion at Holkham and came back three hours later.

Pretty much the same, but now maybe 15mph on hill, sunnier, and more PGs to dodge so thought would give it a go :-)

More of a lunge than a launch but just about got a wing over the cliff to climb up. Very scratchy first half of the flight mixing it with PGs 50' - 100' ato, with groynes and rocks to land on, but then got better. I even zipped up!

Ended up flying Sherringham to Cromer but could probably have crossed Sherringham well enough. Nice to see some old faces and meet new ones.

Finished off day with ice cream and then pub. Result.

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