Here there and everywhere

By digitaldaze

Club 33

A nice afternoon, topped and tailed with a bit of work. I marked a few assignments this morning, then went into school for a couple of hours to prepare for the mid-course 1-1 tutorials tomorrow. In the afternoon I met up with Nicola, an Australian teacher (who also works for the a British Council here) for a late lunch and we spent a few easy hours chatting and getting to know each other in the venue on my blip here, Club 33. I'd never been before and it's great! It's right on the Nile and has different cafés and restaurant areas in one venue. We went to the Lebanese one and had humus, fattoush salad, some lovely fresh bread and fresh lemonade with mint. We sat in the shade at the table you see reflected in my blip. Tonight I finished marking the assignments and so now my colleague and I just have to do the double marking tomorrow morning first thing, before our day starts properly with the trainees. Week 3 tomorrow already! Can't believe that's almost eight weeks I've been here.

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