still working on this one....

i've learned an interesting lesson over the past few days.....usually when i start a painting and i get to a certain place in it....usually not very satisfied....i take it off the board, and stick it somewhere with lots of others!
this time, cos i've been so busy in the studio i didn't get around to doing that...and so it gave me more time to just look at it and see what i wanted to try and change. so today, cos it's raining and i've been in the studio most of the time, here is the next stage.....what i love about pastels is that i can clean off parts i don't like and change them pretty well instantaneously! i've been under the impression i need lots of time to spend on a painting....and over the past few days i've picked away at it here and there, for sometimes only 10-15 minutes at a time. i think because it is right there beside me all the time, i'm processing it in a more unconscious manner! not too sure, but it sort sounds right!!!!

see here for the view of it a few days ago!

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