Nicktor's news

By Nicktor

Very proud .....

Son number two played for Liphook and Ripsley 3rds this afternoon. Truth be told, although it's adult league cricket, the standard is probably not too different from Under 15 cricket, but it feels like a big jump.

There has been horrendous weather in Hampshire this morning. Thunder and lightening storms first thing, and then the start of the game was delayed for a while as the heavens opened and rain cam pouring down.

Captain Strong lost the toss which probably decided who won the game. Put in to bat first, the conditions were horrible. I'm rubbish at cricket - having taken it up for the first time last year at the age of 47, but today was as hard as anything I have experienced. I did as I was told, after the openers were out cheaply, and made sure I stayed at the crease. I think I did reasonably well, but whilst I managed to stay at the crease for some 15-20 overs, I didn't score very many runs! The East Woodhay 2nds bowling was fast, accurate, and very unpredictable.

Son number two came in to bat at number 8, and whilst I was disappointed that I didn't have the chance to bat with him (I went in at number 4 and was long gone by the time he came in!), I was very proud of his performance. He knuckled done to the job, concentrated and was second highest scorer with 16 very good runs.

This photo is Steve on the left , and John on the right congratulating James as he left the field unbeaten at the end of our innings. Steve and John have both been playing cricket for many many years, and are unlikely to hand out praise unless its been well deserved. Well done James - you did fantastically well today

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