Evil Goat

By evilgoat

Blip n Beer!

Not much energy for pics tonight. Caught up on the last few day's blips. Sent my Blip-ratulations to KhanCollective for their new addition.... and snapped in the process.

Exhausted after much kitchen work. It's looking fantastic and the clever bit of design has made our kitchen look a lot wider and more spacious than it really is.

Haven't got cupboard doors yet and the sink needs plumbing in (which will happen tomorrow) and had a rather annoying discovery that Ikea have given us the wrong fridge/freezer... (GGGGRRRRR!!!). But the finish on the worktops after my Dad and brother got to work with the BIG Router is great and totally makes up for it.

It will be finished and the pain will be forgotten and we will have a great kitchen.

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