
By SLPlearning

What is heritage..He tangata! He tangata!

He tangata!...

It is people! It is people! It is people! (Maori proverb)

My we have lots to learn in Scotland. In Southern countries having at one time referred exclusively to the monumental remains of cultures, heritage as a concept has gradually come to include new categories.

In New Zealand and Australia I found that heritage is not only manifested through tangible forms such as artefacts, buildings or landscapes but also through intangible forms.

They call that intangible heritage and it includes voices, values, traditions, oral history to name a few. Popularly this is demonstrated through cuisine, clothing, forms of shelter, traditional skills and technologies, education and learning, religious ceremonies, performing arts, storytelling and people gathering.

As countries they're working together to aim to preserve both the tangible as well as the intangible heritage......

what an intelligent and enlightened approach...
.............we have much to learn.

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