
By CanonEyes

The Gathering.

All of the gang here today for Father's Day, except for Christopher, who is the eldest grandson. He's 20 today but he is having too much fun as a Uni student in Carlow to bother his a*se coming home to a backwater like Enfield. At least not on a weekend. He'll be home tomorrow and we'll see him during the week. He'll probably sleep over for a few days, he likes being in Dublin. I'm looking forward to that.
No photographic exploring for me today, too much going on. They're having a quiz out there at the moment and I'm banned from taking part so i'm using the opportunity to blip this.
Family Song.
Tried some trick shots after posting this. It's gonna take me an hour or two to put them on a 'Fun with the Family' blipfolio. Bear with me.

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