
By RobinBanneville

Up Before The Sun

Well I was up a ridiculous o'clock this morning, even if the sun got a bit delayed ...
Sunrise was at 05:02, but a bank of cloud meant that it didn't actually become visible until shortly after ...
Originally I'd ventured up to the Vale Castle to capture the moment ... It was a good vantage point and meant I could see the whole of Bordeaux ... I even saw a fellow blipper turn up to take a few pictures, but he was too far away to call out and attract his attention (waving my hands and shouting at the top of my voice wasn't really an option, because I wasn't 100% certain if it was who I thought it was) ... (from the top of the Vale Castle at that time in the morning I'd have been more likely to have attracted a passing police patrol vehicle, who might have assumed that I'd been on something slightly stronger than ibuprofen) ...
Anyway, I decided to stroll back down and take this picture at something more akin to ground level ... Also, the sun had finally made an appearance ...
As it turned out, the person I saw was a fellow blipper, who drove off just seconds before I could attract his attention ... His journal entry can be seen here ... ('Bordeaux Sunrise' by "Snikers") ... :o)

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