Information Retrieval

By Syetuttle

Happy Father!

So this is the Sport In The Port Fun Run. Or the "Golden Mile" as the tannoy guy kept saying. This is me and Tuttle Jnr (137 & 136) at the start, taken by Mrs Tuttle. He did really well throughout the run and did not stop once.
This was a warm-up for me as I attempted the 10k half an hour later, which took me 47minutes +. A slight improvement on the last run I did when I ran Out Of Time. The niggle in my left thigh has come back as I ploughed through the pain barrier. Really frustrating, but this happens in sport (and to older folk like me)!
The event was well run (by the same people who arranged the Chester Half Marathon last month) and the atmosphere was superb despite the England result lastnight.

This was followed by a lovely (double helpings) carvery with my In-Laws. Talked mainly about England's chances of not winning the World Cup (my in-laws are Irish). Tuttle Jnr was then whisked off to a swimming time trial. He's very tired, but we are very proud of him.

And Happy Fathers Day!!

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