Random Andom

By RandomAndom

Early Birthday Dinner

McCombers took me out for an early birthday dinner.
Our destination was to remain a mystery until we arrived.

She did ask where I wanted to go, and I asked to simply go somewhere we hadn't been before.
Our evening started with a couple of pre dinner drinks in revolution, where McCombers had something called a Jammy Bastard.

Afterwards my dining destination was revealed, we would be dining on the finest Turkish cuisine that Aberdeen has to offer, at The Nargile.

We went for a set menu so we could have a bit of everything, and it was brilliant!!

Most definitely recommend it! We'll def be returning!

After our meal we had a couple more drinks before heading home. It was while walking down Union street that the sign pictured caught my eye. Nothing wrong with selling fish, but it's the pound shop! The pound shop that sells tat for a £1, now also sells fresh boneless fish, for a pound.

I don't know why, but I found this to be hilarious!

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