Stealth Badger

By StealthBadger

My pup and me

I got no chance to take any pics today at all. So this is Harley (the best dog ever) giving me his trusting paw in the hope I'll scratch his ears for about two millenia.

His nails are never short. They get trimmed regularly but even when he was getting four miles of road walking plus a run round a large park he still had claws that would put your eye out at twenty paces.

He is lying on the floor next to me as I type this blip, will follow me to the bathroom while I brush my teeth (standing at the door with a look of 'are you going to be long cuz I might lie down if you are' on his face) then follow me to the bedroom where he will stand next to his two double duvets that are his bed and wait for me to arrange the top one into a dog envelope for him to walk into and be covered over. Sounds elaborate but it means I don't have to listen to him wrestling with it himself while I'm trying to nod off or read some more of Jingo.

When Neil gets up in the morning, the other two that sleep in our room will follow him downstairs while Harley will stay back to sneak round and get under the covers on Neils side.

He is a dog of many luxuries and happy as a pig in poo at 14 and a half.

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