
4years 237days

We have been talking about trimming Katie's hair for a wee while. We decided to actually do it this morning! I have tidied up the straggly ends, no more. Yet it looks so much shorter as the curls have bounced a lot better! It looks strange seeing her with what almost looks like short hair. Its not though when its uncurled. She was a bit panicky when she first saw her curls in the bath but we have one to put in her memory book which pacified her (it's not her first hair cut, it is her first Mummy hair cut!)

We headed to Church this morning. We were a few minutes late, but she skipped off to the front with her friend to find her cousin. She presented me proudly with a very sparkly picture she made in Girls Room before running off to read a book she'd brought to show her cousins how she can read now.

Last week, we heard a notice about a Church social - a car treasure hunt and barbecue. We didnt pay any attention, what with currently not having a car. However after the service, we were invited to join friends in their car. Extremely glad we did! We had a lot of fun. The barbecue after was lovely. Food fabulous, puddings in true church shared meals were even better. Katie learnt some truly childhood classic games - Duck Duck Goose (she likes), Wink Murder (she wouldn't play) and we were introduced to a new one called Danish Parcels. A game where children win a parcel by rolling a 6, but then can have that parcel taken away from them by someone else rolling a 6 in the second stage of the game. Thankfully it ended well and she came away with a Famous Five book that she's very proud of!

We spent the last part of the afternoon crafting in the lounge. I was cutting out skirts for a forthcoming summer fair, Katie was playing with new playdoh we got yesterday.

I love days that throw a wonderful happy surprise at you like today!

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