Dead men tell no tales
Today I drove my uncle to the last service for a friend from his younger years. During the service when the organist played a Prelude of J.S. Bach and the pastor was silent for us all to pray and remember, my uncle suddenly gave me his cane and he stood up, noicely and a bit wobbly he walked towards the pastor whom he whispered his question in the ear. A nod from the pastor and as soon as the organist finished Bach's tunes my uncle was walked to the pulpit and there he told us the memories that suddenly had crossed his mind during this service! WW II memories where the diseased played a role too and he wanted to share this now with all present and most of whom 90+ or just 90- years in age like him.
And as they all may be tomorrow's dead men who then can't tell tales anymore, he wanted this speech now today in this church hall with this incrowd!
He was cheered by them:)
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