The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

Now you see it....

The un-lovely collage of our garden labours! After yesterday's slashing efforts, today it was time to get burning. Steve started the bonfire before I went to to work, so I took a snap just after he'd begun. He spent four hours feeding the fire, burning up old invasive trees and brambles. Our neighbours on both sides have let their gardens go (or part of them) which has left us with a lot of stuff we don't want. We also have problems with bags of soil which got left lying around after another project, and have now gone stinky through lack of aeration. I am really ashamed that it's all got so bad, and it is a lot to do with me being precious about my hands (I do massage) and my energy levels.

However, I have got some fabulous nitrile grip gloves that allow me to pick nettles and brambles, and my massage business has reduced itself to about one session per week. I also seem to have more energy because of the g-f lifestyle. I only work part time, so I reckon we just have to keep slogging on now that we have started, until we can have a garden with a bit of nice grass again, and some raised beds with veg, and some flowers, and so on.... a place that I might want to spend some time in. Of course, we will not forget the pregnant slow worm that CleanSteve blipped, for whom we intend to keep providing a home!

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