A thousand new paths

By acc


It was snowing when I woke up this morning. I had planned to get to the Bett show (Education Technology) at Olympia for about 10 but I left it a bit to check that I would be able to get back! A bit of snow seems to have a big effect on public transport. However, it was fine so G and I went along. It was a massive and overwhelming show with too much to take in. Luckily it became clear that a lot of the stuff was aimed at schools which wasn't relevant to me. I talked to Alex at Synergy about Moodle 2. It seems to be further delayed.
G and I went to the Victoria and Albert museum on the way home. We visited the new Medieval rooms. Very impressive. And then took an hour and a half to get home. Two tube lines that we needed had problems. Typical.

Plan as if you'll live forever but live as if you'll die tomorrow. Robin Sharma

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