skye line

By cameraskye

Curse of the weather gods

Wow, well yesterdays blip turned out to be a bit of a surprise, a very unexpected spotlight and lots of wonderful comments, thank you all very much :)

I very nearly did n't blip yesterday being tired after a rather full on day with family but in the evening as I was lounging on the sofa, the light outside tempted me up the hill behind the house in the hope of getting a sunset picture but the lovely bog cotton was there waving at me saying 'blip us' and so I did!

Today I had a day of nose to the grindstone in the office with no opportunities of blipping at all. By the time I had left the office, got home, cooked dinner and did all the usual chores, the mist had rolled in and I thought my chances of blipping were slim. However I took a drive up the north end of the island to an old ruined church with the hope of getting a blip there, and these lovely purple flowers caught my eye.

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