
In amongst all the other stuff today I managed a swim, a quick, hard 50 before having to hotfoot it home. And a passage from the new Ned Boulting book I'm currently reading came to mind. He was actually talking about cycling in the book but but it's pretty applicable to my teatime activities today.

"I recalled to mind, through the disorder of my distress, Chris Boardman's scientifically perfect measure for determining effort in a time trial: you should ask yourself, 'Can I sustain this to the end?' If the answer is 'No' then you're going too fast. If the answer is 'Yes' then you're going too slow. But if the answer is 'Maybe' then you're judging the pace just right."

I was mostly 'Maybe' with occasional moments of 'No'. Certainly couldn't have done any more at that pace, that's for sure.

The speed of thought.

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