By jenaral

Getting out of the house

My morning began with hitting the snooze button five times. I finally jumped up threw some cords on, grabbed a sweatshirt, and then stood in the middle of my room with my hands on my face looking around trying to figure out what I needed for the day. Computer? Check. Timeline? Check. Geography album? Check. Computer power cord? Yes and I have forgotten this a couple of times. Colored pencils? Yes. Okay- moving on. I make a quick cup of coffee and a peanut butter sandwich for lunch. I ready to leave, but I forgot to fill up my water bottle. I fill it up and then the hilariousness of my juggling performance begins. Every time I say to myself, "You got this- no problem" So there I am carrying as much as I can up the pathway to my jeep- meanwhile running through my head, "Did I turn off the stove? Is the furnace off? Did I leave any lights on?- And then I see this beautiful sky and manage with everything in my hands to scramble for my camera, snap the photo, and begin the day.

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