
By WeeDragon_J

Tai Chi Tuesday

Foodbank this morning, busy, busy, busy and then deliveries to distribution centres. I haven't driven for many years, and don't intend to pick a set of keys up anytime soon, but when trying to direct someone reversing a trailer it can get the brain in a twist - especially for someone who's lefts and rights get mixed up ;-D

Some friends are heading to Ireland for a Tai Chi Festival this weekend, so decided to do a selfie of hands to wish them a great weekend.

Not as easy as I thought, focus was out, too bright. Put a glove on the hedge to get rough focus and set buttons, that red glove got photographed a few times as I forgot to set the timer!

Yang Sun (RH) and Yin Moon (LH) merge, and decided not to reverse the hands for photo as I don't unless I'm mirroring someone thru instructing.

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