Sal, Soul Sister.

By sally

Nose-d Off

So I have this piercing... in the middle of my nose. The proper name is septum ring, but some like to tease and call it a bull ring. Whatever it may be called, it holds special meaning for me and cannot, at this point in my life, think of a reason to get rid of it... even so, it can be damned annoying at work, collecting piles of debris in the middle of my nose. Picking out said piles can be both embarassing and frustrating, and today was the worst of it. Digging around in dirt for ten hours can do that, I guess.

Anyway, this is my face. I promised myself I'd never reveal my identity on this thingy, but my nose was the most exciting subject of the day. (and besides, I'd already snuck my face up once before). Eerily enough, my good friend with couches also chose today to reveal his identity. Funny how that works out.

ps-my name isn't actually Sally.

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