Life with Gaia

By happyyoga

A night to remember

Horrible photo, I know. I opted to film it after this shot, which worked out very well for some reason. But, I didn't want to ever forget this night. Watching Peru Dance at Mission Community Center was pure bliss. It felt so good to hold Gabriel, or watch Marya hold him (with a big goofy, beautiful grin on her face that lit up the entire aisle) while Miguel, Melody and company danced such beautiful, graceful traditional dances. It felt so good to be with so much family too. Our new fam totally rocks! And it felt so wonderful to be around people I could relate to and feel at home with. That room lit up with so much light it burst out the top of the roof and spilled out over the entire city. Thanks guys. This was awesome and Daddy was totally blissed in spite of his back probs.

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