Beginner's Luck

I thought that this robin was dead when I first saw it.

I'd heard a very loud"thunk!" that I knew meant that a bird had flown into the glass sliding door between the living room and the deck.

But it was breathing, and after a couple of minutes, it shifted into a new position, enabling me to see the spotted breast that indicates a juvenile robin, born this year and moving into adulthood.

Rolling back onto its belly, the robin was higher than before, crouching, so I knew its legs were all right. After another few minutes--perhaps 10 minutes after the initial impact--the robin was no longer had a dazed expression and was looking remarkably chipperl!

Shortly after that, it took wing and headed into the tree-thick undeveloped land behind our house, with quite a story to tell.

In other local wildlife news, it appears that we have a squirrel with gourmet tastes living near us.

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