
By OldTimer

Awesome morning

Took off for a walk this morning and thought no I wont even take a camera. What a fool I was, got down to the park and after all the rain we had last night the mist was hanging in layers amongst the trees is was spectacular.
Around the park came on more fresh Basket Fungi that I had blipped last week. I had been standing in awe of these amazing fungi and how they just seemed to pop out of the ground in the complete shape . Well this morning found one just coming through the ground and guess what if you don't already know it they come through in a wee brown ball like form and crack open like an egg and spring out . Isn't that clever.
So of course home and no photos and then this happened to the sky. Was out on my terrace with stool steps trying to cut out the roof next door, clicking away madly. This image is exactly as it came out of the camera only thing I have done is resize it. So you bet camera charged and ready to go for tomorrow but will endeavour to find something different to show you.

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