Belinda Lee

By bellee

Clever Dog

Although not sure whether I should buy him a present.

The book man that comes into work brought this one in yesterday and I have yet to open it, but did think about looking at it for Jax.

Then this afternoon he made me quite proud....please note he is a Staffy and eats anything. But, I had to buy him some worm tablets, so bought some fritz to squeeze it into and hide. However, as I thought he would he went...hmm that's not right, and dropped it.

Much to my amazement he picked up the tablet off the floor and ate it! He had to have two of them so I gave him the second one, and he gobbled that straight up too. Clever puppy I have, must have known it would make him feel better I think. Or as per my note up higher, he is a Staffy and likes to eat.

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