Man, Mountain or Fish

By StevieFish

Sweet and sour

Posting a photo yesterday, of all days, made me think about my life, and made me take a wander down memory lane via my blips of the last couple of years. There haven't been many that's for sure, and I noticed I've lost a few folk along the way, but that's ok, this isn't really about popularity and my little wander along the dusty paths of my past confirmed that.

So, here I am, maybe back for a bit. But even if so, it is so that in years to come I can skim back through the spotty posts here, have a laugh, wipe a tear, and remember.

The photo? Ach, after dropping nina off a nursery I headed to the allotment for a quick harvest of radish, broad beans, and strawberries. Then to work. At least the start of the day was sweet before it turned sour. :)

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