
By WeeDragon_J

Mono Cramond Weir

Went with MT to Cramond for a wee walk and tea and scone at the Mill Cafe and a pokey hat at the shore, still remember the original 99 pokey hats with a half flake with the broken bits shaken over (sometimes a whole broke two bits) and what's happened to the sauce? None, prob cost more mump mump!

This is zoom in of Cramond Weir, converted to mono for betterish effects. I knew what I wanted but started to feel uneasy being watched by others as I tried differing settings. MT is used to me faffing about ;-) . Still not quite got the splashes strong yet and haven't decided with sunny like this is better or easier when not sunny. Those of you close by know what I mean, I hope. ;-)

Now suffering in the indoors shade until the south facing garden shades over, now moaning it's too hot, cannae win!


After asking a question on the local Edinburgh Photographers Group FB, I've just realised that when I changed the batteries forgot the default setting on that camera is 1 megapixals rather than 6 megapixals, must remember to check when doing batteries as the date's quite often wrong too. So hence why a bit happier now with result of photo but not too as it was a beautiful day for 6 megapixels out of that camera!

Think the heat's fried my brain!

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