South Coast Scribblings

By SueSouth


This lovely rose is in our front garden and looking glorious at the moment. I've added some filters to bring out the true colour (which was initially a bit muted on my iPad camera).

Had a visit to the doctor's this morning for a fasting blood test. They keep an eye on me as there were/are three cases of type 2 diabetes in the family - my Mum, Aunt and Grandmother. I have to see the diabetic nurse next week for prevention advice. Or control advice if the test comes back positive. I don't have any symptoms other than occasional tiredness though. I've removed some of the text here as I didn't think, in retrospect, that it was appropriate :-)

Popped to Asda this afternoon to return a t shirt that I didn't like. I managed to find one that I did like to replace it and also did some other shopping while I was there. It was grey and miserable weather when I went in and blazing hot sunshine and very humid when I came out again! What strange weather we're having!

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