Riding Around on a Carousel.

Went to the gym early this morning and still no sign of Roger. When i came out i walked around the field, blip hunting. I saw an elderly couple with a dog in a pram, but i blipped that last year.I gave up and walked into town ,and stocked up on all the bits for the birds, and then caught the bus home. I filled up the bird table and very soon the birds arrived. I sat outside and took loads of photos . I came in , downloaded them, and wasn't happy with any of them. By this time, J had got in and said, do you fancy coming to Porthcawl with me? I didn't need asking twice, so off we went. He parked outside the hobby shop and was disappointed to find it was closed until Friday. It was only a short walk to the fairground so i took this blip of the carousel. I used to love going on them when i was a little girl and my Dad would wave to me, as i went around and around. Happy days. Blip sorted , we came home.

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