Magic Balloons

I went for a swim this morning, it was a bit painful so I ended up having a jacuzzle instead.

I then went to the Trafford Centre with Carey for a few bits and bobs. It is my godson's birthday today and my nephew next week, but when I got in the card shop I had a mental block on their ages. Was Harry 5 or 6, was Max 8 or 9?? I had to phone up Carol to check and I decided Max must be 8...correctly, phew.

We then went in Hamleys to look for a present, I saw the Magic balloons and as I was trying to work out what you did an assistant offered to demonstrate. He happily posed for a photo, but I rushed it a bit and it wasn't sharp enough to use, sadly. They looked fun so I bought some and I've just had a play in the garden. I do love playing out ha ha ha.

On the way home from the Traff Chrissie phoned, she was on her way back from picking up her brand new, sexy car. We met up at the Secret Garden and sat out in the sunshine whilst we had some lunch...a lovely way to spend the afternoon.

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