One step at a time!

By IanO

Meet Leon

I hate Blip sometimes!

Most days I struggle to find anything Blipworthy but today I have dozens of images, any one would make an excellent Blip but we're limited to just one a day :-)

Brilliant day out, but began with a really long wait on the M6 going nowhere fast. Then down to Northampton to visit a customer, on the way I spotted some canal locks and thought I'll get my Blip there on my way back.

Well it was a wonderful place and I ended up walking and chatting for almost two hours. Full of wildlife, colourful insects and characters. That's where I met Leon we chatted for half an hour, put the world to rights and had a good laugh. Just me and him, a deserted canal towpath and lovely warm sunshine, all in all an excellent afternoon. I will put some of the pics up on Flickr later in the week, worth a look I think :-)

Then it was back on the motorway only to be stopped again, nothing else for it but to sit in the car and look at the cows in the adjacent fields.

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