
By AnyOldIron

Mind Full

Of late I've been of the opinion that I should only blip if I have had a) a good day or b) I can blip something stupid. The upshot of this is that I am blipping less and less. I am not and never will be any kind of photographer and use Blip more as a diary so maybe honesty is more important than the worry of bumming people out. Feel free to not read on though.

For the last couple of weeks (for which read my whole life) I've been really struggling with the point of everything. This got really scary at the end of last week when it extended to football. There have been times in my life when football was the only thing that had a point so, in essence, if I am tired of football I am tired of everything. And now all I can think is what's the point? We all know that Germany are the best at football. So why bother?

What is the point of anything? Not in a might as well go and jump off a cliff kind of way but in a what should I be doing wih my life kind of way. If I had the answer to this maybe I could get my head sorted. I'm pretty sure it's not obsessively reading every word that's been written about Wayne Rooney in the last week, or staying up until 1am so that I can say I haven't missed a kick. And it's not filling up photocopiers or sticking stickers on books either. It could be trying to leave the world in a better state for mine and everyone else's kids but how? Everything we do every day just adds a little bit more to the piles and piles of too much stuff that make everything a little bit worse. People, possessions, technology, information.

I hink I've just reached a point where my brain has overflowed. In order to let the good, happy stuff bumble around in my brain I need to delete loads of stuff that is unnecessary. It needs to stop, be quiet and rest for a bit. Preferably in a meadow, in the middle of nowhere, with silence. Just for a while.

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