
By RobinBanneville

Sunset 200

Actually it's my 200th blip, not my 200th sunset ... but "Sunset 200" sounds good ... :o)
Today of all days I was hoping to capture a reasonable sunset blip, and the sun certainly obliged.
For those of you who live in and know Guernsey, this was actually taken down the "smelly-pond", but in fairness it could probably have been shot anywhere down the west coast.
Now then, I wonder if I'll be up in time to capture a sunrise for blip 201 ... If it's anything like this morning, I slept through my alarm clock and didn't wake up until 06:30 ... Luckily my mobile was ringing and that woke me up.
I jumped (literally) out of bed and answered the call, only to be greeted with silence ... The ringing on the mobile at 06:30 is a fixed reminder for me to make sure I take the phone to work and not leave it on the bedside table ... It was all still a bit of a panic though ... :o)

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