Emma D's diary

By EmmaDrabble

At Home: Chicken run a round

These little chicks are perfectly protected by their mother hen. I am not sure why I spend what seems like hours penning them in the brooder run, securing wire. These little chicks will find and squeeze throughout the smallest gap. They are a little like mice in that respect. They leave their mother frantically running the inside of the pen trying to cluck them back to her.

I hope the gate to usher them back. She's a protective mother, coming out to collect them. People think hens are not so smart. I would disagree. When they have a brood of chicks, its clear how well they communicate. Its a defined series of clucks, purrs and growls that send messages to the chicks as to what to do next. I am close with the camera. The mother hen, doesnt mind me. Hens become used to their owners. She's cooing to the chicks throughout. Perhaps like a human mother cooing to her baby. its a calming noise. Sweet and protective ....x

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