Straight down the middle

Warm sunshine and the slightest breeze meant that conditions were ideal for a quick round of golf on Gran's lawn ... FORE!

"It's up and away from our work to-day,
For the breeze sweeps over the down;
And it's hey for a game where the gorse blossoms flame,
And the bracken is bronzing to brown.
With the turf 'neath our tread and the blue overhead,
And the song of the lark in the whin;
There's the flag and the green, with the bunkers between -
Now will you be over or in? ...

Come youth and come age, from the study or stage,
From Bar or from Bench--high and low!
A green you must use as a cure for the blues -
You drive them away as you go.
We're outward bound on a long, long round,
And it's time to be up and away:
If worry and sorrow come back with the morrow,
At least we'll be happy to-day"

(Sir Arthur Conan Doyle - from A Lay of the Links)

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