
By Joquinn

Class exercise

Went to my second manual mode class tonight. It's a three session class. We got through the material so quickly that we thought we might move ahead, but when we went around the house to do some work in the sunlight, I was completely bowled over!

They had overgrown lambs ears that were hosting an orgy of bees! It was amazing.

So we worked on changing the f stop and the ISO and the shutter speed to try and catch a good picture.

I got lots! Not compared to the absolutely fabulous macros that I see here, but I got so many wonderful pictures of bees. And all in manual mode. Some of them I even used the manual focus!

So this one is taken at 400, 1/500, 5.6. And I know what that means!

But truly the most exciting thing to me was how for the time that I was shooting those bees, I was engrossed, focussed, intent. I felt driven to get a shot. I didn't think about anything else except that moment. I was present with those bees, with my teacher, with my camera. I didn't care what he thought of me, or of my shot. I only cared that I got the shot I wanted.

I haven't felt that way in a long time. It was wonderful.

Ok so I had a hard time choosing my favorite because there are so many that I like. But this one is really nice. I have others where the bee is crisper, but I like the tone of the color in the background here, and I like how he is gripping the flower and really burrowing in.

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