Our Journey is a process

By journeysprocess


It was a lovely evening tonight. The girls and I took the long walk around Rancho San Rafael enjoying the mild temperature and the gentle breeze. As we came around a corner, I noticed something turquoise in color fly past me. I looked up and right on the ground in front of me was a little parakeet. I know nothing about pet birds, but this was much smaller than I have seen in pet stores. And the little bird seemed very tame even though the dogs were with me. I realized that this had been someone's pet and either escaped or was released. So, after putting the girls in a sit/stay, I quietly walked over to the place where the parakeet was. I quietly knelt down and stayed there for a minute. Then I slowly moved my finger, hoping that the little bird would hop on it, and I could rescue it. I moved very close - within inches - and the little bird flew away to the tree branch high above. I moved back with the girls and waited. Soon, the little parakeet flew back down to the ground to continue to eat the grain from the wild wheat. Once again, I quietly moved up and waited - this time a few minutes. As I crept closer, the little bird flew away again. By this time other hikers had noticed what was going on and watched. My patient girls were no longer willing to maintain their sit/stay. So, we walked on. And my heart went out to the little parakeet, hoping that it would survive in such a harsh place where predators lay in wait.

After our walk, I grabbed my camera and took some photos of the lovely daylilies lining one of the walkways. I love daylilies, especially when I remember that each bloom only lasts one day - well, maybe two. Tomorrow, if I were to go back, this bloom would most likely have withered away.

I hope you all have a glorious Thursday and have great plans for your weekend.

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