Badgerstone Relay #2

So called as fellow team mate and blipper Andy has blipped Badgerstone Relay ( the original )

Badgerstone Relay is also the Will Ramsbotham race .

It's only a 2 mile run across the moors, however some kind of magic or Narnian measurement was at work as it felt a lot longer.

A wonderful start in the form of a rousing talk by one of the organisers about running well and appreciating life in honour or Will Ramsbotham the race's namesake and fell runner who died whilst climbing .

The race itself was a gradual incline , followed by a steep incline , followed by a " you must be fucking joking " section . And then it was all mainly down hill across the moors which was the usual exhilarating loveliness ( mixed with one tumble over and one getting in the way of a super fast runner scenario ) . Uphill for the last bit where you really don't want to run but with everyone watching there is no way you can stop .

As I handed over to other team mate Kez; Andy and Mr John ( pictured) , were counting next to me . Couldn't work out why, eventually it transpired they had has a bet on to see how many seconds it took me to get my breath back and swear about the course . I disappointed them as I never uttered one profanity . I told you this running did funny things to you .

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