
By ninniex

THE BIG ADVENTURE: day 24!!!!!

Today we crossed the Nullarbor Plain. This is something every Aussie should do - once. We travelled 750 kilometres from downtown (ahem) Eucla, to Norseman.

It was difficult to decide what part of the Nullarbor to blip so I settled on the triptych. I was really surprised at how green everything was! They have had good rains in most parts and the country looked really lush and healthy. We travelled one part of the road which was the (in old currency) the Ninety Mile Rd. Yep. 90 miles or 144 kilometres in one long, straight curves, nothing. Just a long straight line.

I prebooked a motel unit where I sit happily blipping now, before we stroll to the diner for dinner ;)
Homeward bound tomorrow. Another 700ks via Coolgardie.

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