
By CallieJDH

Neos Marmaras

Caught the bus this morning down to the little town of Neos Marmaras with its harbour, shops and fish restaurants. We wandered through the market selling everything from salted fish to cut price trainers then back to the harbour for lunch.

We chose the fish we wanted from a fresh display ( 1 Sea Bream, 1 Sea Bass) which the four of us shared. Cooked simply and served with Greek Salad and a lemon, olive oil and salt dressing. It was delicious.

Arrived back at the hotel minutes before a huge storm hit the resort. The thunder was tremendous and we sat on our terrace watching the forked lightning with the rain pounding down.

Four hours later the sun is back out and the gardens are looking good from their soaking.

My blip shows a small corner of Marmaras town that I thought rather colourful.

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