
Or is it just me that thinks it is saying hello? It's been a long day......

First football match I have watched for years. I used to love watching England in crazy pub chaos. Seems all so much more boring these days. But I will say there is a much more interesting line in football boot theses days.

I haven't been for the Last Run tonight. I decided to cook some dinner instead (beautiful summer vegetable pasta from my veg box). And I still ache. And right now, what's the worse that could happen?? (there is still a good chance I will go in the morning though)

Daisy has been struggling under the weather all week and was so teary and sad this morning I sent her back to bed. So not her mothers daughter, she put up strong resistance because of a Very Important maths test. Or she is an expert at the double bluff. She is much more perky tonight and hopeful they will let her do the test tomorrow......

It's like she is not even related to me.

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