
By Veronica

Chilling out ...

There's a French saying "Pourquoi faire simple quand on peut faire compliqué ?" (Why make things simple when you can make them complicated?). It applies to many aspects of life here, but my motto at work today was "Pourquoi faire compliqué quand on peut faire encore plus compliqué ?" (why make things complicated when you can make them even more complicated?). Sometimes people lose track of the essentials and get bogged down in the details.

Anyway. After work we did our bi-annual furniture move (we have a seasonal ritual of moving all the furniture in the living room around and changing the covers on the sofas) and then went to the local pizzeria for dinner. It was a warm summer evening, so we sat outside, and feeling peckish we started our meal with a couple of glasses of wine and some moules en persillade as a tapa. It feels (belatedly) as if summer is really here.

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