
By RoseFamily

Happy Fathers Day

All the boys coming round from their naps! Fathers Day today. The boys have been busy giving Andy his gifts and cards they made. The family word picture was a success.
Generally though Nate is still poorly and I'm feeling rubbish too. Nice to go swimming today, both boys perked up in the water and I felt brighter too.
After the boys naps we had some nice playtime in the garden before the Father's Day request of sausage and mash. Bay loved the mash and veg.
Balian did really well last night and broke his sleep record: 3hours and 5 mins in a row! Fingers crossed this continues and it was a great start to the first night in his own room (even if I was quietly sobbing next door...silly really as he's only moved 10meters away but it feels so significant!)
Wish we were in sunny Sussex for family celebrations of Aunty Char Char's birthday and Grump's Father's Day. Miss them all!

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