
By Jillybean

A bit O' History

This is Wantaghs little piece of political history, Richard Nixon's dog.
Checkers, the cute cocker spaniel that saved Richard Nixon's political career in 1952 is buried along with 50,000 other dogs and cats in Wantaghs Bide-A-Wee cemetary. (and even a chimpanzee and an IGUANA!)
Checkers touched the hearts of a nation when then-VP candidate Nixon was accused of setting up a secret slush fund. Nixon appeared on television and said the only gift he'd received from his political cronies was Checkers. His children loved that dog, Nixon said, and he wasn't going to give it back -- even if it was a crime. America wept. Nixon went on to become Vice President under Eisenhower, and you know the rest of it.
Nixon himself never lived on Long Island but apparently our bide-a-wee was convenient for him to bury his beloved dog here.

Me and Kristen went on a study hall adventure to the cemetary (which is right across the street from our high school in fact). It was lovely out. We made a friend who showed us to Checkers grave, also we were shown a chimpanzees grave, and we found an iguana grave. Honestly no offense but who buries an iguana...
More pics:
Godzilla, the Iguana...
Our new friend, complete with shovel...
Dog House Grave!
Rustys rusting grave =[/
My brothers name is Jack...And mine...is jil...

"Trust me, I know how it feels. I know exactly how it feels to cry in the shower so no one can hear you. I know what it's like to wait for everyone to be asleep so you can fall apart, for everything to hurt so bad you just want it all to end. I know exactly how it feels."

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