Visitors book...

Isn't this the cutest gift? Thank you Damnonii x

Last night I spent quite a lot of time going too and from the lav. Not the best timing for a piss problem. On the plus side my shewee came in very useful for the sample bottle to take to the docs this morning... although I wouldn't have bothered had I known I'd get a 'script over the phone! Still, antibiotics and a bucket of cranberry juice will help I hope.

Went out to see my folks after work since they've returned from their jollies with the campervan to let them meet Barney. I'm sure I didn't need to tell them how happy I am.

In titcam news, the babies have flown the nest, hopefully avoiding the magpies. Roll on next year. I'm sure there must be a way to stream a live feed to watch it remotely... if anyone knows how do let me know.

Let's hope this weather lasts all the way to Glastonbury and back! I bought a sun hat today. It's a massive black floppy number. I suspect I'm going to look ridiculous and I'm quite looking forward to it!

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