Hot Hot Hot

George is two years old on the day we're travelling back, so we decided to give him a birthday treat today (just like last year, he'll have to wait for his proper party - but hey, he's two: who's going to take any notice if he complains?).

So we decided to spend the day at the zoo in Le Palmyre. It was very well laid-out, and all the animals had a good amount of space - but some of them always seem incredibly unsuited to being in zoos (the organg-utans and polar bears in particular). Oddly, there were bags of popcorn on sale, especially for people to feed the animals! Bizarre.

In the evening, one of the kids from another gîte had decided to organise a game of rounders for everyone. Unfortunately the mosquitoes turned up and we all lost. 24 bites on one calf alone. Ooyah.

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