Bumps in the Road

By JimJ

Climbing the walls (or the cupboards anyway)

Nikki and the wee man had a quiet one today, at his request. When she asked him if he wanted to go to the park, he firmly shook his head 'nohhhhh' and proceeded to pull his toys out of the cupboard. Clearly, it was a stay-at-home day.

I was lucky enough to get some post-nap wake up cuddles from the wee man at lunch time and then I snuck out of work to eat tea with the family and undertake the bedtime rituals for the wee man...bath, books, milk and a few daddy lullabies.

Wish it was Ernie putting me to bed. After a late night having dinner and drinks with some work colleagues, I was feeling pretty fragile today. If only someone could tuck me in for the night...instead, it's back to work I go :(

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