..... had just an amazing 30 minutes earlier today! If you wanted a reason to live in our area, today would have convinced you. After a good shower of rain I heard a racket from the cockatoos...... nothing different there, as they are always around in the park trees up the back. But noticed there were about 30 odd, so grabbed the camera and as I entered the carport "bingo" there were a couple of rosellas having lunch on the lawn seeds.

They took off as I walked further out to notice there were cockatoos going every where - from shrub to shrub picking at the seeds. Then along came about six Currawongs, and sat on the power lines just watching the commotion. The rosellas had moved up to the neighbours lawn, and there were about 4 of them.

Then, within 20 or 30 minutes it was all over and they were all gone. So, my question was..... what was different in the rain shower to add an extra "taste" to the plant seeds???

Enjoy, and have a look in LARGE.

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