
By Igor

DDW Challenge; at the movies. Best in Show

I have to say upfront that Best in Show is one of my favourite films. Partly because I’m a sucker for any thing with dogs in it - I remember seeing Old Yeller when I was about 10. I wept buckets at the ending and was traumatised for life. That and when Dumbo becomes separated from his mother. Walt Disney has a lot to answer for. One critic cited Old Yeller as "among the best, if not THE best" of the boy-and-his-dog films.

I also like Best in Show because I’m a big fan of Christopher Guest aka The 5th Baron Haden-Guest. I think the House of Lords would have been a lot more lively if he’d have been allowed to keep his seat; cue debate on hearing aids “it goes up to 11.”

This purple lace cap Hydrangea has to be a candidate for Best in Show because my Mother-in-Law bought it for us last summer. It has to be moved into a prominent place just prior to her visits and fussed over to show that we really, really like it.

If old Purple goes the way of Old Yeller we’re in big trouble.

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